(Analytics) Promoting a Post on Facebook

One of the main ways to increase traffic to your blog is to promote. What better way to promote your blog than Facebook, which is one of the most commonly used social media sites in this day and age. Linking your blog to your Facebook account will help you increase traffic to your blog and respond to those who have opinions on your blog post.

Your first thoughts are that Facebook is free so advertising is "free" right? Not exactly. In order to get people to notice your post you have to click the promote link at the bottom of your post and time to pay up. Much like any exposure or promotion efforts you must pay Facebook for your "Sponsored" post; however, this is one of the best ways to your post out to the right people.

First, your have to click "Pay to Promote."

Then, enter your credit card information and press the "Pay to Promote" button.

Don't worry, it's a one-time limited thing, but nothing in this world is free. Its a small cost to the benefits of getting blog out to more viewers so that companies and employers will be see your ad and click to your blog. This is the beautiful thing about Facebook, that it provides a platform for you to connect with hundreds of friends. Not only does it give you the platform to connect, but it gives you the opportunity to promote yourself as well....at a cost.

(Analytics) LinkedIn: A Business Person' s Mandatory Profile

Social media is becoming one of the most important outlets for a person to have in this day of age. Whether you want to get on Facebook and vent to your friends about last nights game or you want to get on instagram to post pictures of the wonderful vacation your family just went on. Social media is a way for you to reach out to people across the world and get to know them without leaving your computer chair. LinkedIn has become one of the most crucial ways for jobseekers to get out to employers to possible obtain a career. Its a way to show all of your accomplishments that employers may never see on a resume. However, their are some unspoken rules and regulations to creating a LinkedIn profile and I will give you 9 short simple steps to creating one.
  1. PHOTO- Having a photo on your profile is one of the most important beginning steps to making a LinkedIn profile. If employers look at your profile and you have a million accomplishments with no photo, it becomes sort of a turnoff because they have no idea who you are. Having a clean cut, sharply dressed headshot of yourself will go a long way in the job market. 
  2. JOB TITLE- Use this section to show off your current job. If you don't have a job then put the job or industry you are seeking to help employers identify those who are curious about jobs within their industry.
  3. PAST JOBS OR EXPERIENCE- When describing your past jobs or experience, don't list them, tell a story behind it. Use this as a summary for the accomplish you had, then explain how you accomplished it and what you did to make it to that point.
  4. SUMMARY- Competitive advantage is the keyword here. Use this section to separate yourself from any other people who are within the same field as you. What makes you different than the other 30 people applying for this job. 
  5. SPECIALTIES- List every keyword that you can think of that will lead you to the job that you want. If you are having trouble then go to someone's profile who has the job you are looking for and use some of their keywords. Go ahead its not cheating, that's what this network is for!
  6. LIST- This is simple, just like any hobbies, interests, training, clubs and organizations that you belong to or participate in, etc.
  7. ADD LINKS TO ANY WEBSITE- Do you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog? Then add those links to your profile, at your own risk. If you have anything on your facebook that would not be considered professional or maybe its too much into your personal life, then don't put the link. You only want to include things that will fortify your brand and image in the eyes of employers.
  8. JOIN- One or more groups on LinkedIn. Use this as a way to network and get yourself out there. If there are organizations or groups that have similar interest to you, then join them and communicate with them. You will be surprised at some of the opportunities that people can present to you just by the click of a button.
  9. DESCRIBE- Use LinkedIn to describe something that is important to you. If you take a picture with the president at a national conference or you are given an award at a prestigious event. POST IT! Talk about what happened to those who are connected with you because these moments can lead to connections beyond what you imagined.

(Analytics) Starting a Blog

Starting a blog can be a helpful first step to take when trying to enter yourself or your company into the social media stratosphere. It is a way to express and share ideas with millions of viewers across the globe without having to leave your bedroom. It is also a way for you to exchange ideas and hear different viewpoints from others as well. So where do I start you may ask? Using google is one of the best ways to start this process because of the many different features that Google has to offer...and its free! Everyone loves something that can help them and is free. Here are a few steps to getting your blog up and running.

Create a Google account/ gmail address
One of the easiest ways to get access to all that Google has to offer is by setting up a gmail address. You do this by going to http://mail.google.com and clicking "Create Account".

Start your Blog
After your gmail address is created, visit http://www.blogger.com and sign up with your gmail account or click "Create an account" link at the bottom.
   New Blog
Once you are on the site click the New Blog button.

   Create a Title
You can then create a title for your blog which is up to your freedom to customize however you         see fit.

   Create an Address
Creating an address gives you the same creativity freedom; however, since it is a free tool you             may have to experiment with some of the titles because they may be taken.

   Select a Template
Once you create your title and address, you are on to your template which can be changed at               anytime so feel free to experiment with it.

   Create Blog
Your finished, now just Create Blog and enjoy the many features that are readily available to you.

(Analytics) Finding a Job That Pays a Middle Class Salary is Getting More Difficult

Why is probably the first question that popped in your head. We have become our own demise in a sense. With the increase in technology, we can see that there is less of a need for humans in some jobs. However, with the increase in technology we can see that there is a need for people who have knowledge in these areas. Since people with more education generally get paid more, manufacturing jobs have caught the bad end. Jobs such as child-care workers and cashiers are getting paid less because it requires very little education to perform these jobs.
In the book, "What Color is Your Parachute?", we can see that one reason it is hard to get high paying jobs is because it requires a degree of education for these jobs. Some of the highest paying jobs such as Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Computer Hardware Engineers all require that you further your education to improve your salary. In 1980, we could see from the book that 25% of women held healthcare jobs and now that number up to 44%. Jobs in healthcare are becoming more important which is why they pay a high salary.

(Analytics) Intro to Analytics

After reading on Web analytics, I have found it to be a very interesting subject. It is a tool that can be used in some of the top skills in marketing that can get you hired right away such as Social Media Marketing, Digital and Online Marketing, and Business Intelligence. This is very important to know as the job market is becoming more and more competitive because any extra skills you have over competitors can give you an advantage. You may be thinking, "Well how does analytics fit into those three marketing skills?"

Social Media Marketing
In Social Media Marketing, Web analytics can be used to help understand how to measure and optimize the performance of campaigns.

Digital and Online Marketing
One of the major goals of digital and online marketing is to try to sell something to consumers or possibly get them to come to your website to sign up for something. Web analytics can be very helpful in monitoring the progress of your website's traffic. 

Business Intelligence
This is what some people think of as "advanced analytics". This can help your overall understanding of financial trends, online marketing, and reports.

Truly understanding Web analytics doesn't require that you are good at finance or accounting. It is a tool that anyone can learn and add to their arsenal of skills. Web analytics can help the process of gathering information so much easier that it can put you on top of the hiring process. It just requires a drive to really understand and study it which could lead to a new world to explore.