(Analytics) Intro to Analytics

After reading on Web analytics, I have found it to be a very interesting subject. It is a tool that can be used in some of the top skills in marketing that can get you hired right away such as Social Media Marketing, Digital and Online Marketing, and Business Intelligence. This is very important to know as the job market is becoming more and more competitive because any extra skills you have over competitors can give you an advantage. You may be thinking, "Well how does analytics fit into those three marketing skills?"

Social Media Marketing
In Social Media Marketing, Web analytics can be used to help understand how to measure and optimize the performance of campaigns.

Digital and Online Marketing
One of the major goals of digital and online marketing is to try to sell something to consumers or possibly get them to come to your website to sign up for something. Web analytics can be very helpful in monitoring the progress of your website's traffic. 

Business Intelligence
This is what some people think of as "advanced analytics". This can help your overall understanding of financial trends, online marketing, and reports.

Truly understanding Web analytics doesn't require that you are good at finance or accounting. It is a tool that anyone can learn and add to their arsenal of skills. Web analytics can help the process of gathering information so much easier that it can put you on top of the hiring process. It just requires a drive to really understand and study it which could lead to a new world to explore.

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