Weebly Conversion Tracking
After creating a Weebly site, I thought that it would nice to find out if it was even worth it to make the site. One of the best ways to find out how your blog or site is doing is to connect it with Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses conversion tracking which is essentially when a visitor goes to your site and takes an action you care about. This is where they "convert" to a customer. Simple actions such as filling out form or showing high levels or engagement with your site will help this action happen. This will truly define and measure any type of traffic sources. Here is how your track conversions through Google Analytics:
First, you want to log into Google Analytics. Then click on ADMIN and then click on GOALS.

Next you want to create your goal following this image.

Once you do this, you will be able to tag your ad's URLs and save it. Then you will off and running and able to track your conversion to help reveal your campaign's performance.