(Analytics) Conversion Tracking

Weebly Conversion Tracking

After creating a Weebly site, I thought that it would nice to find out if it was even worth it to make the site. One of the best ways to find out how your blog or site is doing is to connect it with Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses conversion tracking which is essentially when a visitor goes to your site and takes an action you care about. This is where they "convert" to a customer. Simple actions such as filling out form or showing high levels or engagement with your site will help this action happen. This will truly define and measure any type of traffic sources. Here is how your track conversions through Google Analytics:

First, you want to log into Google Analytics. Then click on ADMIN and then click on GOALS.

Next you want to create your goal following this image.

Once you do this, you will be able to tag your ad's URLs and save it. Then you will off and running and able to track your conversion to help reveal your campaign's performance.

(Analytics) The Job Market's Needs

Finding Out What the Job-Market Will Need

One of the newest ways (in by newest I mean over the last decade or so) to find a career is through what the internet calls "Hot Jobs". And by "Hot Jobs" they really mean "Projections". These are basically projections made up by a number of people on how common a particular job will be. This can be confusing however, because sometimes these jobs are chosen because they sound new or exotic. One of the most common occupations in the U.S is truck driver; however, you would never know that from a list of "Hot Jobs". Here is a list Forbes

1. Software Developers (Applications and Systems Software)
2. Accountants and Auditors 
3. Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 
4. Computer Systems Analysts 
5. Human Resources, Training and Labor Relations Specialists 
6. Network and Computer Systems Administrators 
7. Sales Representatives (Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific)
8. Mechanical Engineers 
9. Industrial Engineers 
(10. They didn’t list a tenth, due to a website glitch, I’m sure, so let me: Truck Driver)

(Analytics) Caution! Don't be so quick to Choose/Change Careers

4 Cautions about Choosing/Changing Careers

  1. Go for any career that seems fascinating or even interesting to you. However, make sure that you first talk to people within this line of work. Ask them questions about that career and try to probe into their minds on their true attitudes and motives for working in that field. Of course almost every person will feel a little different about a career; therefore, you must know that your calling to a career may be a little different then theirs. Also, you don't have to feel the way that they do about a career, so if you are interested, don't get too discouraged by their viewpoints.
  2. Realize that just because you change careers doesn't mean that you have to completely change who you are. Bring you uniqueness to your field of work because that is most likely what will get you hired. Having a firm stance on your life as you are moving it around will help you maintain these unique attributes about you: your character, your faith, your values and your gifts.
  3. Do what you want to do, not just what's hot in the job-market at the time. Because this will change over time and you will eventually be stuck with a career that you really don't want. You want to make sure that your passionate about what you do, employers love that! I understand that sometimes when choosing a career you gotta do what you gotta do; however, if you can afford to go for the career you want...then go for it!
  4. The best work or career for you will be the one that uses all of your transferable skills in your favorite subjects and fields of knowledge. This will be the job that offers you your preferred people environments and working conditions. However to first find this, you must truly know yourself.
Image result for caution

(Analytics) Starting Your Own Business

What to do now?

So what do you do once you've hit a wall on job pursuit? I mean, all the blogs prior to this one have been about how to find a career or how to pursue a job. Well, what if none of those things worked? One thing you could possibly do is to start your own business! It's been almost everyone's dream to be their own boss. Where they can set their own hours and sell their own products. According to some surveys, up to 80% of all workers toy with this idea at some point in their lives. This shows that there is a chance that you have thought about this as well. There are endless possibilities for the career path you can pursue such as running your security service, making your own app, or possibly selling your own homemade products. You just need to be open to the possibilities and any suggestions that could potentially change your life. Start off by writing down the possible things that you may want to do in your business. Brainstorming these ideas could help you can see what things you are interested in. Then, read up on these ideas and see which one is tailor-made for you. You may think that you want to pursue a certain business, but find out later that starting your own business is your true calling card.